Log In
Please read the following instructions prior to logging in.
If you had a member log-in for DSDI’s old website (prior to October 27, 2022), try logging in with your username and password from the old website.
- If your username and password do not work, use the Lost your password page. Enter your email address, and click “Get New Password.”
- If your email address is in our membership database, you will receive an email with password reset instructions.
- If your email is not recognized, use the Contact Us page to send the DSDI Webmaster a message that you need assistance logging in.
If you didn’t have a member log-in for DSDI’s old website, you may use the Lost your password page to set up a password. Enter your email address, and click “Get New Password.”
- If your email address is in our membership database, you will receive an email with further instructions.
- If your email is not recognized, we may not have an email address for you or we may have an old email address. In this case, please use the Contact Us page to send the DSDI Webmaster a message that you need assistance logging in.